During the World Cup 2019, Coca-Cola wanted to show its engagement on gender equality in Swedish football and turned four top players of the national team into symbols for equality. The first female players in Sweden to have a statue raised in their honor. Men in football had been constantly idolized. Throughout history, a dozen male players have had a statue raised in their honor in Sweden. That number for women? Zero. Even though the women’s national team has fared much better than their male counterparts in competitions. During the summer of 2019, another statue was making headlines when the construction and location of Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s statue were debated. We wanted to (and did) beat him to the punch and make the conversation revolve around gender inequality in the sport instead of the accomplishments of yet another male player.
The biggest newspaper in Sweden called it “A global game changer!”
Gold in The Golden Wheel / Sponsoring
Gold in The Golden Wheel / Endorsement
Silver in The Golden Wheel / Community engagement
Bronze in Cresta Awards / Brand Purpose
Shortlisted in Cresta Awards / Ambient & Experiential
Shortlisted in Spinn Awards
Shortlisted in Hundrawattaren